According to Placenta the benefits to placentophagia (technical term for consuming the placenta) are that the placenta capsules:
You can check out their web page for a plethora of information and articles on this subject. If you would like to see the process--in pictures--from start to finish you can visit here.
There are obviously many benefits to this and after learning more about it I am heavily leaning towards having it done. Some other moms I know who have taken placenta capsules rave about the positive effects. And considering how tired I am right now and the fact I've kind of been in a rut recently is all the more reason I'd like to give it a go. I'm going to have 6 little ones to keep up with so anything that can help get me, and keep me, in tip-top shape I'm willing to try. I'm going to need all the help I can get--vitamins, minerals, herbs, placentas!
Oh, and this is not something new--this idea of placentophagia--it's been around for centuries and practiced throughout the world by many cultures. Food for thought (no pun intended :)