DAY 1: Take a jar, bowel, or any food grade container, and add about ¼ cups of beans. I used chick peas, AKA Garbanzos, because I personally love them and figured they’d be a good place to start--my little guinea pigs. Once in the container, fill with water, and cover. Let the little guys soak overnight.
DAY 2: A) In the morning, rinse the beans under water in a colander. Put the beans back in the container with no water. Cover. B) Repeat their “rinse” in the evening, just as you did in the morning.
DAY 3: Repeat your rinse regimen both morning and night.
DAY 4: My sprouts were looking pretty good! In fact, I probably could have started eating my chick peas on day three. Your sprouts can take from 3-5 days to be ready. But to be ready, doesn't necessarily mean they have to have a tail on them. Even without a visible tail, their is still nutritional goodness going on on the inside of the seed. After the third day put the sprouts in the refrigerator, continuing to rinse them. They can last up to a week stored in the refrigerator.